26 November 2008

Q and A

I have been reading so much about Vikas Swarup's book Q & A these days, more because of the buzz surrounding the movie made out of it by Danny Boyle no less.. Slumdog Millionaire. The story is like a fantasy that comes true. How many of us wanted to be in that chair, sitting opposite Amitabh Bachchan on KBC, winning winning, answering each question as easily as a hot knife cuts butter!! All of us no doubt. Now we get to read about a disadvantaged boy who goes the whole hog, wins the big prize.

It is the movie that led me to the book. I read about it on Chidananda Rajaghatta's column in Sunday Express, read my friend Vee's status line about his wish to watch Slumdog Millionaire and was fired up enough to hunt for the book on the net. Indiaplaza had an expensive copy, >500 rs. which was a no no. So I resorted to another favorite, flipkart, n found a cheaper copy <300 is my preferred range for books.

The book will land up on my doorstep in a couple of days, god willing, i will be able to read it during this very weekend, a review will follow, and all will be well with the world.

19 November 2008

Bad Bad

I have been feeling so miffed lately. I don't know if I am just being menopausal or finally turning into what I dreaded all along - a crotchety old woman, or it's just things are getting to me.

At work, I notice people want me to do all the work and then pass it on as their own effort and get credit for it. I get scolded for everything that goes wrong and never get credit for what goes right.

Why do you have to be manipulative at work, why is saying things more important than just working?

Why do my friends love me so much and say such nice things for me and my work associates just want to run me down.

At this age... why am I still a sucker?

How can I get out of this bad situation - help !

Shimla's Indian Coffee House

For those who live in the Tricity (Chandigarh, Panchkula and Mohali), Shimla is a weekend destination. For the daring ones, who have the sta...